Why is it so difficult to find a reputable source of growth hormone?

Why is it so difficult to find a reputable source of growth hormone?


Short answer

Many brands have worked very hard for many years to prevent the marketing of high quality growth hormone at low prices. So now your only option is to buy their hGH, even if it is also of high quality, but at a price 10 times higher. On the other hand, poor quality HGH is easy to buy online because there are so many sources. They are hard to stop, even with unlimited resources.

Long answer

To answer this question correctly, the origin of the actual sale of HGH and some related policies would have to be quickly explained. You can get more details about this key element that provides more muscle mass by continuing to read this article.

Years ago

In the late 1990s and into the mid-2000s, it was very easy to get high-quality growth hormone online without a prescription. At that time, it was perfectly legal to buy almost any drug for personal use in the USA, Canada and the European Union. Drugs were allowed to be imported from Asia as long as they were not classified as narcotics and the quantity did not exceed the dosage for a person over a period of 3 months. There were no poor quality brands on the market because an individual could easily get excellent quality HGH. On the other hand, counterfeiting cases were occasional. However, this problem was quickly resolved by introducing authenticity check stickers on the original HGH boxes.

Between 1991 and 2007, Jintropin, a Chinese brand, gained popularity to the point of competing with brands of the big brands in their home markets. Jintropin was by far the most popular HGH for non-medical purposes. People used it as they wanted to benefit from the effects of anti-aging, weight loss, bodybuilding, general well-being, etc. Gensci, the manufacturer has not hesitated to highlight these benefits highly sought by people around the world for really eye-catching advertising purposes.

Bad times

The major pharmaceutical groups are among the pillars of the global economy and they have the means to influence policy … Western markets are places where they can easily adjust excessive prices and get away with it. So, in their eyes, the pharmaceutical zone is worth being dominated by all the necessary means. To dominate drug sales in western markets, Asian competition was 10 times cheaper and had to be strategically squeezed out. Below you’ll know how it happened:

Plan A consisted of using the same technique usually used for other low-cost Asian products – stereotyping them, making them look like low quality or dangerous products. The technique did not work against HGH because users were encouraged to have products from laboratories such as Prime Pharma tested. By doing this test, they were able to personally compare the results between Chinese HGH and the brands of large groups in Western countries. The reputation of products like Prime Pharma has automatically improved, regardless of the kind of strategy western pharmaceutical companies were trying to do.

Plan B was formed in three different phases. First, the propaganda industry of the major media was let go with the aim of demonizing growth hormone as a dangerous substance. In this case, he meant that importing HGH from Asia was a very bad thing in all cases. During this time, it was possible to set up all Google alerts to receive daily information about HGH. Celebrity names were used to draw attention to the stories. Then a description of the horror and dangers of growth hormone gave people the impression that something had to be done to stop it all.

The second phase was to make the importation of HGH illegal. In 2007, growth hormone was classified in the same group as anabolic steroids and made illegal for over-the-counter purchases or sale without a license. Who could then get a permit in the western markets? Only western manufacturers, local pharmacies, as well as local doctors. Today, doctors do not have the right to prescribe unass approving substances, in other words Asian. And local pharmacies are not allowed to sell HGH that is not approved and created by Asian laboratories.

The foundations were successfully laid in 2007. This after the western pharmaceutical giants gained a monopoly on western HGH brands for sale in the same market. As the laws changed overnight, this made the activity of non-western growth hormone sellers illegal. It was at this point that the time came for the third phase, which was to attack the manufacturers and sellers decreed crooks. In the case of Jintropin, at first they were good suppliers who provided a high quality product at very low prices compared to those of large groups. The next day the media described the CEO as a drug lord and he was wanted to go to court in the United States. Then Gensci briefly lost his license to manufacture Jintropin in China, which automatically resulted in large losses. Soon after, his licence was restored, everything went back to normal, with the difference that he stopped selling in Western markets. As the only Chinese laboratory capable of producing the highest quality HGH at this time, Jintropin alone accounted for 80% of sales in the Chinese market. The 20% went to Ansomone, a medium quality HGH, and also to a few other small manufacturers capable of producing low quality somatropin.

The sequels

Countless new brands quickly emerged following the arrival of the HGH vacuum left on the western market. The brands available today are considered illegal because they are either counterfeit HGH brands or generics. They are named according to the dealer’s desire (Riptropin, Kigtropin, Getropin, Taitropin, Glotropin, all-you-want-tropin). Some were designed to be confused as European or American manufactures, for example, Europharma, Eurobolic etc… They are even delivered from the European Union by any dealer who would have bought them wholesale from Asia.

Smaller manufacturers, more or less Chinese or Indian, seem to have been the most advantaged by the repeal of Asian HGH. By preventing the giant Gensci from selling, the smaller ones had the opportunity to establish themselves. Because they use underground laboratories, their manufacturing practices remain unknown. The chances of employing qualified people and having equipment costing millions of dollars to produce high-quality somatropin are slim. They are able to offer their product for a fraction of the price compared to high quality HGH. Retailers are then attracted by the low prices of these products and resell them to the last interested buyers.

Although there has been no shortage of high-quality hypertropin on the market since 2007, Gensci has recovered by establishing Jintropin legally in Russia, Mexico and a few other third world countries. This brand is apparently sold on the western black market. So the damage to the image of the Chinese HGH is difficult to spot. New users often come across low-quality HGH brands because their prices are normally the most affordable.

In addition, pharmaceutical giants with all their extensions (FDA, legitscript, etc.) continue to aggressively pursue online growth hormone sellers. They even go so far as to confiscate the domain names of companies they consider to be non-compliant pharmacies that have registered western domain names illegally. Major pharmaceutical companies such as jintropin.com, hypertropin.com and even ansomone.com have closed, while they do not seem to be interested in removing low-quality HGH brands online such as riptropin.com, kigtropin.com, taitropin.com, eurochem-labs.com and many others. This is surely because they serve to prove their argument: the black market HGH is bad and you will experience it yourself.


The right synthetic HGH has been used primarily for recreational purposes for almost 30 years. It has never hurt anyone. But, large pharmaceutical companies that have made less profit because of cheaper Asian competition have caused a slowdown in their excessive takeover of western markets. The HGH manufactured in China is identical and sometimes even superior in quality compared to the HGH manufactured by the major Western pharmaceutical groups. The other reason is that competition between Chinese manufacturers is greater. However, they never hide behind copyrights, permits and do not send complaints and use legal barriers. They’re just fighting for the market. In order to keep their customers, they must be better than their competitors or go away forever.

The big pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. don’t follow this philosophy. The latter prefer methods such as lobbying, sabotage of competitors as well, licences for the privileged, or they buy competition to have a monopoly on the market. In order to protect their interests, U.S. companies need to keep their Asian competitors cheaper at bay using any method. They cannot ban Asian products directly because 90% of them are imported from Asia. Because they have to keep the door open, Asian HGH sellers find several ways to get their products through customs.

Here’s basically what they say:

HGH is very bad for you and you should not have access to it for your own protection. However, if you buy products from a large pharmaceutical company at a price 10 times higher, in this case the HGH is good for you.

Hope for the future
If the big companies are no longer interested in dominating the sale of HGH in the U.S. markets, we will see a change in the status of the HGH for what it should always have been; a health supplement. Until then, there will always be black markets and more freedom-giving technologies like Bitcoin, Deep Web, ToR, i2p. This is despite the idea that other high-performance technologies are ready to launch (open bazaar, BlackMarket). The entire peer 2 Peer anonymous internet has grown and is constantly improving. For now, HGH users will need to learn how to use these technologies. It should also start testing products before injecting them and buying only from reputable sources.

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